The story behind Heavy Horse Supplies
Let me introduce myself! Just like you, I am an everyday horse owner and rider. My beautiful mare Spring was a lifelong dream of mine and I fell in love with her straight away. Spring stands at 17.2hh and last I checked weights 720 kgs.
Spring and I love our trail riding adventures (and dabbling in a bit of a competition every now and again) and it was through Spring’s previous owner we met their new horse Strider: who stands at 19hh and makes Spring look like a 15hh horse!
While talking to Strider’s owners it became apparent that they were having the same issues as I was trying to find gear that would properly fit our larger, heavy horses, and our typically larger saddles. So, after traipsing through various tack stores with a measuring tape – I decided if I can’t find what I am looking for why not create it myself!!
And so Heavy Horse Supplies was born! You may recognise the horses in our logo as they are of course Spring and Strider – my inspiration for the brand.